◆◇╰︶ ̄怜心"
宙斯把私生子赫伦带回奥林匹斯山给原配赫拉赔罪说,只有这样才能化解自己犯下的错,因自己而起的人间疾苦方能停止,而自己从此也将对她忠贞不渝。赫拉说好,但只有一个条件,杀了私生子。说完转身率众神走。宙斯叫住波塞冬,只有傻瓜才信任赫拉。波塞冬怼道,只有傻瓜才激怒她。 最后 赫拉将海洋作为杀死宙斯的回报许诺给泰坦,波塞冬意识到果然信任她并不比激怒她更高明于是倒戈宙斯。仿佛臭皮匠联盟。 本只想当天神家狗血伦理剧看看,没想到还挺带劲,剧情走向、价值高度都不落俗套,一口气看完八集。 宙斯四子帅得各有千秋,男二哥哥美强惨,男主弟弟像极了星矢。 剧末哈迪斯一出,就觉得是美版的圣斗士星矢。 第二季的主题应该是“做个人吧!哥哥!”
isnt this like the wildest dream of mine? study him from afar, maintain the illusion of normalcy, i could barely contain my excitement. wish for the day coming like we couldnt keep our hands off each other, but ive gotta tell u, the fantasy ive been having in my dreams is nothing sensual/ 3exual at all, so pure so platonic, the fact it nearly broke me like, i was attracted to u basically driven of 3ex in the first place wasnt i? n all the f tim e afterwards, am i angry at myself for being not that wanting u or.. idk anymore, can i filming u come? can i make u come, isnt this a massive thing in ur boys world like, cum1n, am i crazy? i dont want to spend the rest my life without ur comforting